Our studio brings together experts from architecture, fashion, design, graphic design and digital communication. This multiplicity of cultures and skills allows us to view projects in their globality.

The studio

The Team

Cécile Halley des Fontaines
Founder and Creative director
  • Parcours
    Founder Studio Halley&Co, Co-founder La Chaudronnerie, Jean Nouvel Architecture Agency, Architect DPLG Paris La Seine
  • References
    LinKinVax, Promocab, Le Slip français, Nature et Découvertes, Caravane, Cognac Augier, Le Gouffre de Padirac, Paper republic, Poilâne, Deyrolle
  • Inspirations
    Ray & Charles Eames, Luis Barragan, John Pawson, Studio KO, Philippe Apeloig, Le verbe de Jean Giono, L’art de vivre autour de la Méditerranée, Le talent des artisans, L’audace des entrepreneurs
  • Expertise
    Art direction, Strategy, Branding
Lola Combalié
Art Director
  • Education
    Bachelor graphic & digital design - Bellecour école Master II en Art direction - graphic design - Intuit lab Paris
  • Inspirations
    Jeremy Soma, Kouichitoya, Services Généraux,
  • Expertise
    Artistic Direction, Photography, Post production, Branding, Web Design
Clémentine Lemoine
Art Director
  • Education
    Bachelor of Arts & Master II Art direction, LISAA Paris
  • References
    DA, SEPTIEME Gallery Paris
  • Inspirations
    032C Magazine, Lou Escobar, Jeremy Soma, Tishk Barzanji, Gaze Magazine
  • Expertise
    Direction Artistique, Branding, Motion design, Signalétique, Social media, Packaging
In house
Sophie Hénault
Art Director
  • Education
    Master II in Art Direction and Typography – ECV Paris, Bachelor’s Degree in Communication – Sup de Pub Bordeaux
  • Inspirations
    Anni & Josef Albers, Frida Kahlo, Armin Hofmann, Anu Kumar, Vivian Maier, 8vo
  • Expertise
    Branding, Identité visuelle, Photographie, Typographie
Lucas Dubois
Art director UI/UX
  • Parcours
    Master II Information Design, Design Academy Eindhoven, Pays-Bas Master I in corporate Design, ECV Paris
  • References
    Deschevals, FR RAW Color, NL Fabrique, NL
  • Inspirations
    Experiment Jetset, Bureau Mirko Borsche, David Carson, Pentagram, NODE
  • Expertise
    UI/UX, Branding, Visual Identity Publishing
Blandine Jaillais
Art Director Branding
  • Education
    Master II corporate design, ECV Nantes Law Licence
  • Inspirations
    Charlotte Perriand Etel Adnan Sempé Emil Ruder Les demoiselles de Rochefort
  • Expertise
    Branding Visual Identity Publishing Illustration
Eleonore Sala
Product Designer
  • Education
    DSAA Design Produit, Mastère spécialisé Management, Institut Français de la Mode
  • References
    Hermès Petit h, Fermob
  • Inspirations
    Charlotte Perriand, Studio 5.5, Gesa Hansen, Les savoirs-faire artisanaux, Aller chiner en brocantes, Hermès, A.P.C.
  • Expertise
    Product design & Product development, Creative strategy , Project Management
Maxime Azzegagh Maxime Azzegagh
Maxime Azeggagh
Art Director Photography & Video
  • Education
    Co-fondator d’Embruns Studio, Master 2 in Advertisment and Digital strategy, ECV NANTES
  • References
    Nike, Puma, Intersport, Tribord, Opel, Zapa Paris, Monogram, Orange, Sodastream,
  • Inspirations
    Danny Gevirtz, Gian Carlo Stigliano, Seb Picaud, Thomas Lodin, Brian Singler, La Pac
  • Expertise
    Production & Post Video Production, Photography, Sound Design
Web developpement
  • Education
    Fondateurs Beyonds Agency Certifiée Prestashop
  • References
    Promocab Notshy Dalloyau Opium CDG-Express
  • Expertise
    Technical maintenance IT Data Migration SEO
Géraldine Mahe
Creative strategy
  • Education
    Director of the Studies Department and Prospectives at Martine Leherpeur Consulting Master II Art History, Paris-Sorbonne Master IIManagement, French Institute of Fashion Master of Science in Management, Paris-Dauphine
  • References
    Kering Prospectives Christian Louboutin Moet Henessy Le Slip Français Petite Friture Nature & Découvertes Promocab Kantar
  • Inspirations
    Les Jardins L’Italie Albert Camus Voutch Yves Saint Laurent @sophiepinet
  • Expertise
    Forecasts and trends brand strategy Offer strategy


We like that our profession can bring meaning and sensitivity to our world. Since 2010, we have enjoyed working on many generous and sustainable projects.


Who are you ?

I created the studio in 2010, after studying architecture. I started out on assignments with Jean Nouvel, before becoming a freelance artistic director. Over the years, I have expanded my expertise and have surrounded myself with a team of experts whose talent and experience stimulates and push the horizons of my work and interests.

How does your studio work?

We offer, à la carte, 360° analysis of a brand’s identity developing the brand experience through: creative strategy, visual identity, publishing, packaging, digital, design and styling.

I have always opted for a light and flexible structure, creating a trusted pool of dedicated creative professionals. Selected specialists are regularly invited to join us on projects to maintain our innovative approach.

We experiment daily. Working together, listening, and exchanging views. This is the founding premise of the studio.

Creativity, responsiveness, agility and good communication are an implicit part of each contract.

How do you consider your job?

We are vectors, our job is to make visible and meaningful your business ideas. We enjoy working with like-minded people, defending virtuous projects, brands open to the world and trying to build an even better future.

What is the added value of your job today?

By combining our different areas of expertise, we help construct and develop your creative strategy, saving considerable development time and giving teams a clearly identified artistic framework.

To determine the strategy, we benchmark the competitors, the brand experience, and the evolution of customer expectations. We then define the key performance indicators and communication tools to be developed.

This allows us to ensure a pertinent, precise and impactful, response.

Given the constant evolution of consumer patterns, it is important to have an insightful brand vision that is both sustainable and reactive.

What makes your studio unique?

The diversity of the team and our collegial approach allow us to take a rich transversal view of each new project.

By combining creative strategy, artistic direction and graphic design within the same entity, we ensure a coherent, consistent, start to finish service, based on the up-to-date market reality and an informed future vision.


« A real lever to improve performance and a real energy that facilitates the transition of course for companies. »