
Roman museum and theaters




Lugdunum is an archaeological museum located in Lyon on the Fourvière hill. It comprises a covered museum area and the remains of Roman theaters built for the Roman city of Lugdunum in 43 BC. Almost invisible from the outside, the museum is ingeniously concealed beneath the hill, where the Roman foundations can be contemplated from large reinforced concrete windows (architect: Bernard Zehrfuss).


In response to an unsuccessful tender for a public contract, the studio designed a new visual communication charter for the Musée Lugdunum. The new image is based on a strong graphic system that modernizes the museum’s image and enables it to be easily identified in Lyon’s cultural landscape, in its institutional and event communication campaigns.


Affirm the museum’s graphic identity and develop it through the use of identifying signs and a range of vibrant colors, between Romanesque and modern. Differentiate the 3 “places”: an archaeological site, an architectural museum and an educational facility. Increase the visibility of the museum and its activities locally, nationally and internationally.

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